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Adobe illustrator cc change background color free download.Change Background Color in Illustrator

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Cookies make wikiHow better. While there is no shortcut key to change the background color, the user can use the options and functions and change the same. First, launch Illustrator , and create a new document. Free Adobe Software of Click the icon that resembles a paint pallete or click Window followed by Color to open the Color menu. Once you are finished creating your background, open the Layers menu. Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics program that is generally designed and created for graphic designers and 2D artists.

How to Change the Background Color in Adobe Illustrator

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Adobe illustrator cc change background color free download. Change Background Color in Illustrator

Click Clipping Mask followed by Make. If the image is in vector format, you only need to colkr the background objects to select them and press ” Delete ” to remove them. Увидеть больше details for this Free course will be emailed to you.


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