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I have the same question Provide project managers with the ability to view available resources, build teams, and request resource engagements. Previous versions of Project include Project , Project , and Project Manage and deliver winning projects with Project Online.
Best-in-class templates Employ pre-built templates to start your projects quickly and on the right track. Schedule efficiently Reduce inefficiencies through familiar automated scheduling tools.
Visualize complex schedules easily with multiple timelines. Stay current Get new features, capabilities and security updates available only for Project Online. Compare Project and Project Online Professional. File Size:. System Requirements Supported Operating System. Install Instructions To install this download: Download the file by clicking the Download button near the top of this page and saving the file to your hard disk drive.
Back up any modifications that you made to previous Project SDK files. Double-click the ProjectSDK. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. You can install the samples in the local directory or to another directory on your computer.
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