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Create an account Login: Lost password. HTML code for linking to this page:. Keywords: sony vegas pro video editor edit create. We will send an account activation link to the email address you provide, so please make sure to use a valid address.
Content will be published on site after you have activated your account. If you already have an AfterDawn. Dont know how to rate it- I dont have the activation code needed to use the software. Recent headlines AfterDawn’s 23rd birthday. Sony Vegas Pro bit v9. Description Info All versions Reviews. The Vegas Pro 9 collection integrates two powerful applications that work seamlessly together to provide an efficient and intuitive environment for video and broadcast professionals.
This comprehensive suite offers the most robust and progressive platform available for content creation and production. With broad format support, superior effects processing, unparalleled audio support, and a full complement of editorial tools, the Vegas Pro 9 collection streamlines your workflow.
Suggest corrections. License type Shareware 1. Author’s homepage Visit the author’s site. Date added 18 Oct Downloads 1,, File size Version history. New user Log in If you do not have an AfterDawn. Email address. Login by using your AfterDawn username or your email address. NigelBob Send private message to this user. Show all reviews Total number of reviews for this software: Latest updates More latest updates. Help us Submit software Submit software update. All rights reserved.
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