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Media Feature Pack for Windows 10 N (May ) – Surface devices
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Download Windows 10 Media Feature Pack
The excluded technologies include, but are not limited to, the following features:. Also, the preview of audio or video content in the Store doesn’t work. Windows Media DRM : Enables the secure delivery of protected content for playback on a computer, portable device, or /4879.txt device. Yes No.
Microsoft media feature pack windows 10 enterprise n free download.Media Feature Pack for Windows build 1909
This Media Feature Pack applies to Windows 10 version If you have a different version of Windows, please go to KB to find the appropriate Media Feature Pack for your version of Windows. The “N” editions of Windows 10 include the same functionality as other editions of Windows 10 except for media-related technologies. If you use N editions of Windows 10, you must install other software from Microsoft or other companies to have this communication functionality; to play or create audio CDs, media files, and video DVDs; to stream music; and to take and store pictures.
And some websites and software, such as Windows Store apps or Microsoft Office, use Windows Media-related files that aren’t included in N editions. The media-related features that are not provided in N editions of Windows 10 include, but are not limited to, the following. Enables Windows Media Player features, such as the ability to play media files and audio CDs, manage media in a library, create a playlist, provide media metadata including album art , create an audio CD, transfer music to a portable music player, and play streamed content from the website.
Enables the secure delivery of protected content for playback on a computer, portable device, or network device. Enables music, pictures, and videos on a networked computer to be shared with other computers and devices on the same network. Also enables computers to find those kinds of files on the network. Communicates with attached media and storage devices, including devices that support the Media Transfer Protocol. The following Windows 10 features aren’t removed in N editions but are affected by having the media technology removed:.
Windows Portable Devices: There’s no support for media synchronization, image acquisition, or file browsing. Windows Store media content: Audio and video content that’s obtained through the Store can’t be played. Also, preview of audio or video content in the Store doesn’t work. The package must be reinstalled to restore missing system binaries.
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Provides support for content protection, audio and video quality, and interoperability for DRM.
Media Feature Pack for N editions of Windows 10 Version
Windows 10 N editions include the same functionality as Windows 10, except that these versions of Windows do not include Windows Media Player, and related technologies. End-user customers can enable the media functionality to work properly by installing the Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows The Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10 is available for download as an Optional Feature. To install the Media Feature Pack, navigate to Settings > Apps > Apps and Features > Optional Features > Add a Feature and find the Media Feature Pack . For Windows 10 version and later, you can add the Media Feature Pack by going to Start > Settings > Apps > Apps and features > Optional features > Add a feature, and then locate Media Feature Pack in the list of available optional features. The following articles provide more information about the individual updates.