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CNC TA’s are available during regular daily hours throughout the semester to answer questionsreview submitted files, and mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free approved files on the mill. This page will enumerate the steps required to mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free an approvable MasterCAM files. Staff and TA’s are not available to set up users’ files for tktorial.

A basic workflow for successful MasterCAM setup is as follows:. It is necessary to separate the two, because the material qualities and behaviors vary greatly and require different tooling and parameters for successful milling. A special template is provided for milling masterczm stock materials, such as single sheets of plywood or MDF.

The GSD Tutoriall does not currently provide templates for less frequently machined materials, mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free we do maintain tooling to work with the following:. Rhino File Preparation. Jastercam that geometry fits within the maximum machinable extents of the intended Rfee mill. Organize geometry in Rhino by layer, such that each layer will receive similar treatment in MasterCAM e. Building Tops, Draped Surface, etc.

Click file in the ribbon menu, and choose merge to open the file picker window. Select mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free. Click openand the geometry appears in the MasterCAM model space. Select and then de-select an option from the bottom “Settings’ of the Merge Dialog. This slowdown can be avoided by changing Visibility from shaded to wireframe prior to merging.

Because the origin of the file tutoriall corresponds to the origin used on the frfe, it is important mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free your geometry be located relative to the origin such that it is appropriately located on the machine. Working far from the World Top Plane Origin in Rhino or similar applications will often cause the geometry to be located far from the origin in MasterCAM, so it’s best tutoial catch this issue early, before getting too far along in MasterCAM.

Your geometry should be located within the positive X, Y, and Z quadrants, with the stock modeled such that it has a corner located нажмите чтобы прочитать больше 0,0,0. The gnomon and axes visible on the screen should help to verify whether the geometry needs to move in order to satisfy this condition. Machine dimensions vary, as do the lengths of their respective axes of travel.

Make sure your geometry fits within the dimensions of the machine you intend to use. MasterCAM will на этой странице the input stock size when simulating, so it is vital to ensure that dimensions are true to the physical material на этой странице will be placed on the milling tuutorial. In the toolpath manager pane, expand the properties subgroup. Choose stock setupand the machine group properties window opens.

The stock box is represented by a dashed red rectangular prism. Enter the as-measured dimensions of your stock into the X, Y, Z fields. Default units are inches. Tick the display checkbox to show stock box in MasterCAM model space. After defining stock dimensions, u sers Frwe manually update machining heights to reflect the stock thickness for each operation individually. MasterCAM will not auto-update these values. Inaccurate values cause collisions during verification.

A mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free operation is used to remove large amounts of material rapidly and to produce a part geometry close to the desired shape. A roughing operation fee large diameter tools and coarse settings, and should not cut all the way down to the drive surface sinstead leaving a small offset for the finishing operations to clean up afterwards.

When stock thickness exceeds the shoulder length of the tools, the surrounding uncut stock may interfere mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free toolpaths drawn on the perimeter of the part, causing источник статьи. In this circumstance, it is necessary to partially clear away the stock mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free the part perimeter before proceeding to the finishing operations. The Contour 2D operation may be used for roughing as follows:.

Note that the Contour 2D operation is not context-aware. Nearby parts may be gouged if there are multiple parts being machined from a single stock. The Surface Rough Parallel operation moves the tool in equally spaced parallel passes in the XY plane across the surface, masfercam down incrementally in multiple steps.

The toolpath can be tutirial as One Way best for mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free materials with grain direction, slower or Zigzag best frde isotropic перейти на страницу, faster.

Note that all surfaces except stock extents are assigned as Drive surfaces in a mastercak MasterCAM file. A finishing mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free follows roughing and is used to achieve the final geometry and surface finish.

Most MasterCAM files need at least one and frequently several separate finishing operations to produce an acceptable part. Finishing operations clean up the extra material purposefully left behind by the roughing operation. Finishing operations must be employed on a case-by-case basis, as the utility of each operation type varies from one file and geometry to mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free next.

See reference pages linked above for a detailed mastercamm of concepts and usage that are common across all operation types. Commonly used finishing operations are listed below. Users must review them and determine which operations are appropriate for their geometry. The Surface Finish Parallel operation moves the tool in equally spaced parallel passes in the XY plane across the surface. The toolpath can be drawn in any angle relative to the XY origin. This operation is often used maastercam varying stepovers and machining angles to create surface patterns on site models.

Used primarily to clear material from vertical or steep features. The Surface Finish Contour rree cuts geometry by offsetting toolpaths away from the drive surface at incremental heights. As sloped geometry becomes steeper, the toolpaths get closer together; as that geometry becomes more shallow, the toolpaths are spaced farther apart. This operation is often paired with a flat endmill for use on vertical building faces. Note that the horizontal surface frfe top is the Drive surface.

Used primarily to clear flat areas, such as stepped terrain or building tops. The Surface Finish Shallow operation cuts geometry whose slope angle does not exceed a threshold users tutoroal set maximum. This freee is often paired with a flat endmill for use on stepped topography and building tops.

Users can dramatically reduce machining time by strategically using larger diameter tools to cut open areas, while targeting mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free diameter tools to masgercam channels. Used primarily to clear sloped areas, such as rolling topography. The Surface Finish Constant Scallop operation cuts geometry by dynamically adjusting stepover users can set maximum as a function of the slope angle for psf given point along the drive surface.

This method maintains a uniform scallop height across variable relief, and thus uniform smoothness. Maxtercam operation is often paired with a ball endmill for use on rolling topography and gentle slopes. Used to cut flat-bottomed holes, such as building footprints. The Pocket operation removes material from within a closed chain, creating recesses with flat bottoms.

Note that t he Pocket operation includes its own internal Roughing and Finishing stages within the parameters. This operation is frfe paired with a flat endmill to cut /21947.txt footprints.

Pockets are preferred over Surface Finish Shallow for cutting deep, flat-bottomed recesses due to their incorporation of incremental depth cuts. Used to trace linear features, such as final perimeter cut-out. The Contour operation cuts along a chain or series of chains. The cut may be compensated to the left tutoriaal right of the chain sor on fre if compensation is turned off. The chain may be 2D planar or 3D. The depth of cut can be absolute 2D onlyor incremental 2D and 3D.

Used to create precisely located holes. The Drill operation creates holes using points as input geometry. Although it is possible to use endmills in a drilling operation, it is preferable to use drill bits. Selecting a Stepover. In most cases, select TOP as work coordinate system, tool plane, and construction plane.

When machining the underside of a two-sided job flip millingselect FLIP as work coordinate system, tool plane, and construction plane. Select largest diameter flat upcut endmill to remove material quickly. Harder materials require shorter tools. Special tools are available for roughing solid wood, plywood, and mdf.

Input a positive offset tutoriall both Drive and Check surfaces. Default is 0. Select One Way if stock material is non-uniform wood, other materials with grainor Zigzag if stock material is uniform foam, plastics, mdf. Value should not exceed flute length of tool, and must be appropriate for stock material. Harder materials require smaller stepdown. Value should not exceed tool diameter, and must be appropriate for stock material.

Harder materials require smaller stepover. Value should never be negative. Tutprial value to match grain direction pdff stock if cutting method is One Way and stock material is non-uniform. Select largest diameter flat endmill that can maneuver completely around input geometry while producing desired resolution.

Select upcut endmill mastercam 2018 tutorial pdf free free soft, uniform materials foamsand nastercam endmills for hard non-uniform materials wood, plywood, mdf. Select largest diameter flat upcut endmill that can maneuver completely across input geometry while producing desired resolution. Select One Way if stock material is non-uniform wood, other materials with grainor 3DCollapse if stock material is uniform foam, plastics, mdf. Select largest diameter ball endmill that can maneuver completely across input geometry while producing desired resolution.

Smaller values reduce scallop height, thus increasing smoothness, while also increasing machining time.


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